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Map & Directions

Map & Directions

318 Emancipation Highway (Lee Plaza) Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401

Join us in-person or online for worship each Sunday at 10AM

Directions: Please Beware of The Road Construction Currently Happening off The Route 17 Corridor. Pay Close Attention To The Ongoing Sign and Direction Changes. 

I 95 North: Take I 95 south to EXIT 133A Falmouth, Take the exit to Rt. 17 south towards route 1/Cambridge Street. Make a right and proceed across the Rappahannock bridge. At the next traffic light, make a left onto Princess Ann Street and then make an immediate right into Lee Plaza. The Worship facility is located on the left.

I 95 South: Take I-95 north to EXIT 133A Falmouth, Take the exit to Rt. 17 south towards route 1/Cambridge Street. Make a right and proceed across the Rappahannock bridge. At the next traffic light, make a left onto Princess Ann Street and then make an immediate right into Lee Plaza. The Worship facility is located on the left.

East: Take Route 17 Warrenton Road, Rt. 17 south towards route 1/Cambridge Street. Make a left and proceed across the Rappahannock bridge. At the next traffic light, make a left onto Princess Ann Street and then make an immediate right into Lee Plaza. The Worship facility is located on the left.

West: Take the exit to Rt. 17 south towards route 1/Cambridge Street. Make a right and proceed across the Rappahannock bridge. At the next traffic light, make a left onto Princess Ann Street and then make an immediate right into Lee Plaza. The Worship facility is located on the left.